Creating an Improvement Plan

A Quality Circle Approach to Improving Your Kendo

If your kendo has reached a plateau and you find you are not improving, then perhaps you need to do some analysis.  It is common practice in manufacturing to do process improvement or problem analysis by quality circles.  In this process you try to find the root cause of the problem and fix it.  This methodology helps you to find and correct fundamental problems that stop or restrict your progress.  This is a path to continued improvement in your kendo.  Remember you own it, not the Sensei, it is your kendo and only you can fix it.  When you run out of basics you no longer improve, and you plateau in your kendo development.

Identify the Weakness

Consider the following:

  1. Do a skill assessment to realize and identify where you have basic problems and deficiencies. 
  2. Identify from your skill assessment what your weakest skill is.
  3. Make an Ishikawa Fishbone chart with each bone describing some problem in the identified weakest skill.
  4. Write a problem statement from which to do root cause analysis.
  5. Using the root cause analysis ascertain what is the actual problem as you perceive it.

Generally you need to go down 7 levels in order to get to the true root cause of your problem.

Example of  Fishbone Diagram for Kendo

Focus Intention with each Practice

Once you have identified the root cause, then set out a plan on how to fix the problem. If you do not have enough base knowledge to do this, ask for help from someone that does.  Even if you think you have enough knowledge to tackle the problem get a second and third opinion.

Examples of Deliberate Targeted Practice

Often when you fix one problem, you will fix others by cause and effect.  A good plan and goal takes many practice hours and self discipline to work through.  Even if your progress is slow, it is progress. 

To change a habit it takes 100 reps of correction for 40 days straight.  

If you make a 1% improvement in 25 things it is a 25% improvement overall. Keep the big picture, set goals, and do deliberate targeted practice.  Make a training plan that works for you, remember “life happens” so be flexible.