Tournament Resources

Additional files such as to do list, supply list, blank brackets, score sheets are available on request.

Tournament (Taikai) Manual (excerpt)
This is an example of how to plan and organize a tournament (portions will not apply to your area).

6.0 See the following detailed examples: appendix A Court Loading, Appendix B. Punch List, Appendix C Invitation Letter, Appendix J Court Staff Procedures

6.1 General Tournament Information

A. Date-generally the 1st or 2nd Saturday of November

B. Location: determine next location as soon as possible after current tournament and make the reservation for the next tournament as soon as possible.

C. Cost: approximately $4300 for an adequate facility which would include two full basketball size court areas with spectator seating area. Provisions will also be available for a lunch room area. This includes trophies, bento and other miscellaneous expenses. Income for 2006, $6392.00. Figures will vary by local area.

D. Entry fees: $20.00 (stipulate U.S. funds) Bento fee $7.00 (includes drink, vendor has been Maruta)

E. Divisions: Divisions are determined by the demographics of the entries. Sub-divide the competitors as much as reasonable while still maintaining strong competition. Individuals may only enter in one competitive division. The entry form should be set up such that it automatically enters the individual into the normal division for their category. (e.g. 16 year old male shodan would be listed in the 16-18 year old group rather than the 1-2 dan group. A 16 year old female would be placed in the 16-18 girls group.)

Junior A usually 9 years and under can include 10 year olds if there are not enough entries. If the number of entries is small set up a round robin format.
Junior B 10-12 year olds
Junior C 13-15 year olds
Mudansha can be one large division or a split division 0-4 kyu, 3-1 kyu
Women’s Mudansha 19 years and over
Women’s Dan 19 years & over
High School Boys 16-18, dependent on number of entries, if not enough entries will be in Mudansha and 1-2 Dan
High School Girls 16-18 dependant on number of entries, if not enough entries will be in Women’s Dan and Mudansha
1-2 dan:places 1,2,3,3
3 Dan: places 1,2,3,3
4 dan and up places 1,2,3,3 name is engraved on the Tsutakawa plaque
Junior team 15 years & under (5ea) 1st pl and (5ea) 2nd pl (10ea) 3rd pl
Senior team 16 years &: (5) 1st pl & (5) 2nd pl, (10ea) 3rd pl

The divisions will be adjusted to meet the current population needs and to accommodate a schedule of competition to complete the tournament in a reasonable time.

6.7 PNKF Taikai Sales

6.7.1 The Taikai Chair will send out a request to kendo related product vendors for bids to have a marketing booth at the venue. Three methods have been employed: percent of sales, flat fee, product donation. Communication to the vendors should make include all addressees in one communication so they are aware of competitive bids and detail the method by which the PNKF will be compensated. If there are vendors participating they should be set up in or near the lunch area outside of the competition area.

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